Child Development

Developmental milestone charts highlight typical behaviors at various age intervals, but they are not exhaustive and can vary from one child to another. This list serves as a general guide to help caregivers understand the typical stages of a child’s development.

0-3 Months

  • Startles in the presence of loud sounds
  • Cries differently when tired, hungry, or in pain
  • Grasps an object when placed in hand
  • Attempts to reach for object but often misses
  • Recognizes familiar objects and people
  • Maintains fixed gaze at objects of interest 
  • Follows a moving object or person with eyes
  • Moves eyes toward light and sound
  • Vowel like sounds begin to emerge in the form of cooing, gurgling, and sighs
  • Begins to attempt imitating speech by vocalizing 

3-6 Months

  • Sits with support
  • Smiles at familiar people
  • Giggling emerges, typically seen when playing with a toy or reacting to a caregiver
  • Bangs objects when in hand
  • Turns head when their name is called
  • Vocally expresses excitement (at the sight of a toy or a familiar person)
  • Makes noises when spoken to
  • Babbling begins ("aga," "baba")
    • Babbles to self, toys, or people
    • Pitch and inflection in babbling develops
  • Sound 'm' is produced by pursing lips together
  • Attempts to imitate sounds

6-9 Months

  • Sits without support
  • Moves around by crawling
  • Explores objects with hands and mouth
  • Drinks from a cup
  • Recognizes names of family members and shows interest in pictures 
  • Cries when parent leaves the room
  • Giggles during joyful moments
  • Attempts to imitate familiar sounds and actions
  • Begins to respond to 'no'
  • Babbles chains of sounds in reduplicative manner ("ma-ma-ma," "aba-ba-ba")
  • Imitates intonation and speech sounds
  • Sounds that appear in babbling include; m, n, t, d, b, p, y

9-12 Months

  • First steps appear with assistance
  • Begins to use objects correctly and finds hidden objects
  • Play develops to exploratory phase (e.g., banging objects together, feeling, mouthing, throws toys with intent)
  • Claps hands
  • Expands arms to be picked up
  • Responds to 'no' by pausing/stopping briefly
  • Responds to simple verbal instructions (e.g. Give me, clap hands)
  • Responds to simple questions by with searching movements
  • Produces some vowel sounds ("oh," "ow")
  • Combine sounds in syllable structures ("ma," "ba")
  • First true words may appear closer towards 12 months
  • Uses 1-10 words and gestures to communicate ("uh-oh," "mama," "daddy")

1-1½ Years

  • Engages in continual movement, running emerges
  • Functional play develops to intentional use of toys/object
    • Placing objects in and out of containers 
    • Reaching for toys out of reach
    • Carrying/relocating objects from one place to another
    • Scribbling with a crayon
  • Attends to a book or a goy for 2 minutes
  • Brings object to show adult
  • Imitates many actions and activities
  • Follows simple 1-step directions
  • Points/reaches for objects of desire or when named
  • Uses sentence-like intonations known as jargon
  • Produces incomplete words ("go" for goat)
  • Pointing and vocalizing commonly seen at this stage
  • Uses 3-50 words, combinations of 1 to 2 words begins to emerge (e.g., "thank you," "big ball")
  • Speech is mostly hard to understand

1½-2 Years

  • Can climb on and off furniture
  • Walks without assistance
  • Can kick and throw a ball
  • Object permanence fully acquired (Child searches for an object that was placed out of their plane of sight)
  • Begins to show defiant behavior
  • Identifies common objects/pictures and body parts by pointing, reaching, or grasping
  • Begins to follow directions with spatial concepts (e.g., Put it in, Pick it up, Where is it?)
  • Uses more words than gestures around 24 months
  • Says name when asked
  • Names objects and pictures 
  • Verbal turn-taking emerges
  • Begins to combine 2+ words together (e.g., "doggie eat," "more apple," "mommy, car gone")
  • Makes comments about immediate events (e.g., "oh no," "cat sleep")
  • Can respond "yes" and "no" verbally or gesturally (headshake, head nod)
  • Uses 50-200 words by 24 months (some may be made up words)
  • Unfamiliar people can understand 25-50% of the child's speech

2–2½ Years

  • Joint play begins to develop
  • Play develops meaning and can be carried out in sequence (e.g., arranging furniture in a doll house; cooking, feeding, then putting a doll to sleep)
  • Language starts to develop complexity as the child learns new concepts
    • Articles (a and the)
    • Present markers (-ing)
    • Contractions (don't, can't, it's, that's)
    • Pronouns (I, you, me)
  • Names some objects by their use (e.g., What do we sleep on? What do we eat with?)
  • Combines 2-3 words to make sentences (e.g., "girl is sleeping," "cats in box")
  • Uses 200 words that others can understand
  • Answers "What doing?" "What do you hear with?" and "Where" questions
  • Family members can understand 50-75% of the child's speech
    • Uses sounds m, n, p, b, t, d, h, and w in speech
    • Sounds ng, k, and g are emerging
    • May change or omit some sounds (e.g., "pay" for play, "fog" for frog, "deew" for deer)

2½-3 Years

  • Plays with other children
  • Play develops more complexity
    • Pretend or imaginary play emerges
    • Beginning interest in interactive play with others
    • Sharing/exchanging of toys with others
  • Develops sequence awareness (e.g., bedtime or meal routines)
  • Knowledge of concepts expands 
    • Spatial: in, on, under
    • Descriptive: big, blue, round
    • Quantitative: one, all, more
    • Negation concepts emerging ("Show me the one that is not green," "Is the dog sleeping?")
  • Use of proper grammatical markers in simple sentences emerging
    • Auxiliary: I am hungry, He is sleeping
    • Regular past tense appears: Walked
    • Possession: daddy's
    • Uses pronouns: I, me, you, mine,
    • Emerging pronouns: he, she, it 
  • Answers simple "Where," "Who," "Why," and "How many" questions by age 3
  • Begins asking simple questions ("What's that?")
  • Uses 250-400 words
  • Combines 3-4 word sentences ("I want to play," "He's swimming," "Go get it")
  • Repeats sentences consisting of 6-7 syllables accurately
  • Family members can understand 50-80% of the child's speech
    • Sounds mastered at age 3: p, m, w, h, n, b
    • Some distortions of sounds are present

3-3½ Years

  • Cooperative play emerges
  • Initiates play/activities with caregivers or peers
  • Reenacts events from previous experiences (e.g., birthday party)
  • Use of proper grammatical markers expands
    • Third person singular: He runs
    • Contracted forms: won't, can't
    • Irregular plurals emerge: children, feet
    • Uses conjunction: and
  • Attempts at telling stories appear
  • Can answer more complex questions ("What do you do when you're hungry?")
  • Completes sentences ("Animals live in the ______")
  • Uses 800 words
  • Combines 4-5 word sentences
    • Compound sentences emerge ("He goes and he is running")
  • Speech becomes more clear to unfamiliar people

3½-4 Years

  • Pretend play consists of two or more connected ideas
  • Can operate mechanical toys (e.g. remote controlled toy cars)
  • Enjoys playing with a group of children
  • Role-play emerges (May assume a role of another person; superhero)
  • Understands the concept of groups that items belong to
  • Use of proper grammatical markers expands
    • Reflexive pronouns emerge: myself
    • Conjunction emerging: because
    • Uses negation consistently: He is not hungry
    • Uses 'got' in sentences: I got it
  • Begins to make jokes and may act silly at times
  • Back and forth conversation emerging
  • Can complete verbal analogies ("My hand is big and your hand is _____")
  • Answers "How much," "How long," and "What if" questions
  • Asks "How," "Why," and "When" questions
  • Questions like "What was/were...." emerge
  • Can tell stories consisting of real and make-belief events
  • Uses 1,000-1,500 words
  • Combines 4-5 word sentences 
    • Compound sentences emerge ("He is sleeping and she is running")
  • Speech is 75-90% intelligible
    • Consonants mastered at age 4: k, g, d, t, ng, f, y

4-4½ Years

  • Imaginative play is developed
  • Can identify missing parts in pictures
  • Uses scripts in play schemas using dolls or figures
  • Self-praises own behavior and completed projects
  • Uses passive voice at times (The boy was chased by the dog)
  • Answers more complex questions ("Why did you hide the doll behind the sofa chair?")
  • Can describe something (e.g., How an object is used, what something looks like)
  • Makes conversational repairs if the communicative partner did not understand and corrects others
  • Uses primitive narratives and provides some background information for the listener
  • Can maintain conversation for several turns and ends conversations appropriately
  • Combines 4-7 words in sentences
  • Speech is 90% intelligible in connected speech

4½-5 Years

  • Fantasy play begins to develop
  • Shows interest in exploring places 
  • May appear motivated with competition
  • Begins to understand the concept of time
  • Understands cause and effect and can respond to related questions
  • Retells familiar stories or events from previous experiences
    • Stories follow a sequence but not necessarily the main idea
  • Discusses emotions or feelings with more detail
  • Use of proper grammatical markers becomes more refined
    • Understands and uses future tense: will
  • Can define words
  • Answers "Why" questions appropriately
  • Combines 5-8 word sentences
  • Speech is understood most of the time by familiar or unfamiliar listeners
    • Understands speech sound errors and self-corrects
    • Some difficult words may be mispronounced (hippopotamus, chandelier) 

5-6 Years

  • Appears more independent
  • Can distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality
  • Plays games based on rules and instructions
  • Creates stories using imagination
  • Asks permission for use of objects from others
  • Uses polite markers ("Please," "thank you," "you're welcome") regularly
  • Can describe similarities and differences of items
  • Can relay name and address to others
  • Grammar improves
    • Uses all pronouns accurately
    • Uses superlatives (bigger, biggest)
    • Uses deictic terms correctly (this/that, here/there)
    • Adverbs emerging (happily, slower)
  • Can formulate compound and complex sentences 
  • Speech is 100% intelligible to unfamiliar listeners
    • Sounds l and r are mastered by the age of 6

6-7 Years

  • Enjoys interacting with clusters of close friends
  • Can spend extended amount of time on one activity
  • Sense of 'belonging' becomes important
  • Begins to develop improved self-control
  • May display increasing need for independence and privacy
  • Understands more about feelings and relationships
  • Use of slang may appear 
  • True narratives are well developed in this age group
  • Provides varied information when asked
  • Most grammatical markers are developed
    • Use of if and so are developed
    • Use of irregular comparatives properly: good, better, best
    • Iteration emerges ("You have to go to bed early so you're not tired)



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